Holy Eucharist - Mon, Wed, Fri 12:05pm; Thurs 5:30 pm; Saturday 8:00am, 4:00 pm vigil; Sunday 6:30am, 10:30 am
Reconciliation - 30 minutes before weekday Masses; Saturday at 7:30am & 3:00 pm; Sundays 30 minutes before Mass or by appointment
Holy Orders - If you are interested in becoming a Priest, Deacon or Religious brother or sister, please call the Rectory 824-1164
Marriage - Please contact clergy asap right after engagement. Couples must meet with clergy more than six months before the desired date of the wedding.
Baptisms - Celebrated after 10:30 am Sunday Mass or at 4:00 pm Saturday Mass. (Parents must meet with the Priest and then attend a preparation class before child can be baptized.)
Anointing of the Sick - Fr. Clyde Thomas has been assigned to cover the Nursing Homes and VA Home, as Chaplain. Please call the Rectory Office for Anointing of the Sick.
Confirmation - Please contact Angie Comeaux or the church office for information regarding the Sacramental Prep program.
RCIA-If you are interested in going through our RCIA Program, please call the rectory office to schedule an appointment with Fr. Anil.